MVP says this about the Nomad: "Designed by the World Champion himself - the Nomad has everything James Conrad desires in a putter. From the depth and shoulder height, all the way down to the size of the small bead - the Electron Nomad is James’ vision of an ideal putter. Expect a neutral flight inside the circle, with some fade kicking in at circle two - making the Nomad great at holding anhyzer or hyzer angles when need be. The Nomad is exactly how James wants a putter to feel in his hand, and exactly how he wants them to fly. Comfortable, with a clean and consistent release, the Nomad is ready for your disc golf journey - how far will you take it?"
Flight Metrics
The velocity required to reach a disc's optimal flight path. Range: 1 to 15.
The measure of lift generated by a disc to stay aloft. Range: 1 to 7.
The velocity, relative to the speed of the disc, required to cause the disc to turn with the direction of spin. Range: +1 to -5.
The low-velocity stability that causes a disc to hook at the end of its flight. Range: 0 to 5.
Great disc, use this for putting and some approaches. It’s a great disc for short backhand turnovers, if you put it on the right angle and give it some height it just glides to the right the whole way down.
I love the Nomad as a putter. The colors from the shop were accurate and I ordered 3 Nomads to add to the other two I already owned for putting practice. I ordered two electron plastic discs that were purple and white and a plasma style orange Nomad which definitely improves the quality of the disc over the base plastic. All of them fly as suggested. Love the Nomad!
I always have an MVP as one of my putters, and I like putters. This one flies great. Just straight enough I don't have to over compensate for that left to right finish, just put it online. But enough left to right so that I don't lose it to the right on those distant putts outside the circle. And really cool look, with the 2 material construction, especially this pattern
Great putter. I've been using the Judge for a long time, started with it and have loved it. This disc has the same numbers as the judge, but it's quite different. Firstly, it has fairly shallow grip with a very subtle bead. It's thin and sleek. Personally, the nomad didn't strike me as being what I would use consistently as a putter, but its amazing as a driver. Overpower it on a strong hyzer line and it flips up to flat and just goes. It can go straight for 300ft very reliably. I love this disc and have given a couple away to friends and strangers. One uses it as his putter now, the other one enjoyed using it for midrange apporach shots. It's an awesome disc, I'd recommend trying it out.