Simon Lizotte's inaugural mold, the first 12-speed MVP driver, features an overstable flight and nice dome, making this disc a favorite for players of many skill levels.
Axiom says this about the Time-Lapse: "The first 12-speed featuring GYRO Overmold Technology is also the first Simon Line disc—designed by Simon to feature the best of what a 12-speed can offer. There's enough glide and turn to generate some truly massive flights, but it also has the right amount of fade to make these flights predictable and controllable. When it comes to hand feel, the 22mm rim width represents the perfect middle ground between speed and maximum comfort, while the gentle dome makes the Time-Lapse feel amazing for backhand drives and adds some glide at the same time! High-power players will find the Time-Lapse to be a controllable max-distance crusher—allowing you to create Simon Lines of your own—while low-power players will love the Time-Lapse as a controlled distance driver and potentially a wind fighter as well."
Short Video Review of the Fission Time-Lapse
Simon Lizotte Testing the Time-Lapse
Flight Metrics
The velocity required to reach a disc's optimal flight path. Range: 1 to 15.
The measure of lift generated by a disc to stay aloft. Range: 1 to 7.
The velocity, relative to the speed of the disc, required to cause the disc to turn with the direction of spin. Range: +1 to -5.
The low-velocity stability that causes a disc to hook at the end of its flight. Range: 0 to 5.
The Time-Lapse is super popular, but I’m giving it a 4 out of 5 because it’s produced in Neutron and Fission plastics currently. Not a fan of the Neutron, incredibly overstable, much more than I expected. It can be someone’s wind-fighting driver or forehand driver if you forehand 400+. In Fission, it’s a 6 out 5 stars, super awesome, workable for pretty much all amateurs. Fission is extremely domey, but it helps the flight a lot. Crazy distance potential, got mine out to about 440ft. And you can get Fission in lots of different weights. Amazing disc in Fission, meh disc in Neutron.
This disc is great, but the process to get this was even better. I bought neutron by mistake and had to return them. 1010 made the process so easy and they worked with me daily to get things taken care of. Customer for life!
This disc is great, but the process to get this was even better. I bought neutron by mistake and had to return them. 1010 made the process so easy and they worked with me daily to get things taken care of. Customer for life!
Great workhorse distance driver. Not too beefy, but doesn't really flip at all either for me.
Apr 4, 2024
For reference I consistently throw 60-65 mph both fh and bh. Seems like that nice stability for workable distance drivers. Not going to flip, but goes sneaky far. I was concerned about the dome as a lover of board flat discs but it has turned into a great fh disc as well. Again, its always about 20 ft further than I expect. Highly recommend for the main driver slot if you are still looking for the perfect workhorse.
This disc is amazing! Flew more stable than I expected at first, but skipped off one sidewalk and this thing flies straight with awesome glide and a reliable fade at the end. Good skip too!