Discmania says this about the CD2: "The CD2 is a disc for those hungry for control. It doesn’t get too flashy with a lot of turn and fade like many distance drivers out there, but rather it holds a line and still brings you the distance needed to cover most fairways. The CD2 is actually a pretty close relative not only to the CD, but also to our praised speed 10 Power Driver, the PD. Out of the box you will see the CD2 perform a lot like a seasoned PD, providing you with enough stability to conquer most headwinds and a reliable low-speed fade that takes you underneath the basket. For the less-powerful players the CD2 can easily work as the most overstable driver in the bag, while the majority of players can trust the CD2 as their main driver in a wide range of situations."
Flight Metrics
The velocity required to reach a disc's optimal flight path. Range: 1 to 15.
The measure of lift generated by a disc to stay aloft. Range: 1 to 7.
The velocity, relative to the speed of the disc, required to cause the disc to turn with the direction of spin. Range: +1 to -5.
The low-velocity stability that causes a disc to hook at the end of its flight. Range: 0 to 5.
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