Latitude 64 says this about the Sapphire: "Are distance drivers only for the pros? Nope. Say hello to our first distance driver in the Easy-to-Use Line. It's light, it's fast, yet still easy to grip and control. The Sapphire is designed to be the perfect partner to the Diamond, our most popular Easy-to-Use fairway driver. With the Sapphire you will get that extra speed and stability in your disc arsenal. It has a slim profile for smooth releases, and it is easy to get a good grip, especially for those of you with smaller hands."
Flight Metrics
The velocity required to reach a disc's optimal flight path. Range: 1 to 15.
The measure of lift generated by a disc to stay aloft. Range: 1 to 7.
The velocity, relative to the speed of the disc, required to cause the disc to turn with the direction of spin. Range: +1 to -5.
The low-velocity stability that causes a disc to hook at the end of its flight. Range: 0 to 5.
Even my noodle arm can make this disc fly well. It goes really straight with a predictable turn and fade. And wow does it go far with little effort! I’m very new to playing and, with this disc, I’ve been able to get my longest distance yet. The rim fits my (female) small hands so much better than most other drivers.
I would suggest this driver for anyone just starting out. Provides just enough turn to allow you to hyzerflip with ease. But put someone with a little more experience/power behind it? and you have one of the best turnover drivers in the game, Wide sweeping "S" turns and even makes for a great Roller! 10/10 would recommend